Sunday, July 18, 2010

That Precious Book

So Im doing my routine "staying up uber late" on a Sunday night, because my body is hardwired for the night owl life now.

My mind feels like a whirlwind, as per usual. I've mentioned this to Rachel, but sometimes I'm worried by how much goes through my head at once, constantly. I have a thousand ideas, thoughts, interests, and worries that roll around, surface for two minutes, and dive back into the deep. Update: Jon(bro) just text me saying his wife is pushing their little Peter out right now. SO now its directing prayers to Nora and the wee one's safety.

One lesson I've learned is how quickly my mind will degrade without Scripture. I went a couple of days without delving in, and it feels like my heart and mind diminish with each breath. Focus, hope, peace and patience, all are instantly harder to obtain, without having God's precious Word sweetly permeating my thoughts. I thank God I have that problem, because it causes me to instantly recognize the need I have to be reminded of His love, by His mouth directly. I'm gonna keep asking that He wont change that, that I might not lose sight of the necessity of Scripture, discarding an "already saved, it's taken care of" mentality to the wind.

Warning: Tommy Tangent Ahead. We went to a nearby lake today, and it was overcast. Being the ex-swimmer I am, pride filled me to the point of looking across to the other side of the lake and thinking, "Oh yeah." As I was (painstakingly) making my way across, I laid on my back for a bit, staring up at the overcast sky. It had me thinking. We know that sun is still their, above, waiting for the cover to lift to have direct sight of us. Thank you God, that Your Son has covered my life with his precious blood. Literally, when God looks at those purchased by His Son, He doesn't see them. He sees His obedient, loving, glorified Son.

The church stands in the shade of a piece of wood, blood smeared across each grain. The lifeblood of the King fell upon that wood. Holes remain where His hands and feet were pounded in, that He might fulfill prophecy, and show a physical demonstration of the spiritual maelstrom to the unseeing eye. A placard stands at the top, intending to mock this King. They had no idea how true those words rang through the heavens. Too limited, though. King of Jews. King of Gentiles. King of believers and unbelievers alike. The Son of God, who came to dwell in the life of man. To bring glory to His Father, by redeeming my life. Who am I, that I might face God without fear of death? That I might take up an inheritance of a heavenly nature? That a King might call me friend?

I sometimes ask why it couldn't have been done differently. I am always answered by how perfectly it was done.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Riding the Wave

Yes, I created a blog about a week after my wife. She is my inspiration, after all. ;)

Actually I've been looking for a way to sort out my thoughts. And Rachel may be the only one to read this, but sometimes my mind feels like its in a thousand different places at once. I think people only fully convey their thoughts through words, regardless of the 90% or so we have through body language. God shows great understanding of His creation in the fact that His true revelation to us is through what else but His Word.

I have no plans for this blog. My goal is to shed mental buildup, and pray somehow to achieve glorifying God through that process.

As for today, my mind is on how to not let culture dim my knowledge of the Gospel. I've been reading(slowly) through Radical, a book by David Platt. It's basic premise is how America has shaped and twisted Scripture, and how we can start tearing away that veil piece by piece. It's a short book, and succinct, yet conviction seems to be lying near me whenever I open its pages again. I'm a man of convenience, video games, cultural references, quotes for the more hardcore movie enthusiasts, and an embarrassing amount of Star Wars trivia. I desperately need a transformation already taking place in me; a path less traveled, and yet I have barely taken that dusty road. I need a mind that exudes God's Word, and a heart that wishes nothing else than to see His Glory magnified with each breath. If you are reading this(besides Rachel), I encourage you to pray with and for me, that I am continually conformed to an image most unnatural to me.