Friday, July 16, 2010

Riding the Wave

Yes, I created a blog about a week after my wife. She is my inspiration, after all. ;)

Actually I've been looking for a way to sort out my thoughts. And Rachel may be the only one to read this, but sometimes my mind feels like its in a thousand different places at once. I think people only fully convey their thoughts through words, regardless of the 90% or so we have through body language. God shows great understanding of His creation in the fact that His true revelation to us is through what else but His Word.

I have no plans for this blog. My goal is to shed mental buildup, and pray somehow to achieve glorifying God through that process.

As for today, my mind is on how to not let culture dim my knowledge of the Gospel. I've been reading(slowly) through Radical, a book by David Platt. It's basic premise is how America has shaped and twisted Scripture, and how we can start tearing away that veil piece by piece. It's a short book, and succinct, yet conviction seems to be lying near me whenever I open its pages again. I'm a man of convenience, video games, cultural references, quotes for the more hardcore movie enthusiasts, and an embarrassing amount of Star Wars trivia. I desperately need a transformation already taking place in me; a path less traveled, and yet I have barely taken that dusty road. I need a mind that exudes God's Word, and a heart that wishes nothing else than to see His Glory magnified with each breath. If you are reading this(besides Rachel), I encourage you to pray with and for me, that I am continually conformed to an image most unnatural to me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow honey! You are such an amazing man and I am blessed to hear the things you are thinking and feeling. Even though i get to see and be with you daily it is still so neat to hear your thoughts!!
