Monday, March 28, 2011

This Is Me Watching

Sweat, spit, dirt, and blood
Scornful looks and derisive laughter
Shamed and embarrassed faces turn away
Blazing sun with no respite
Traded in for a murderer
A whip lies on the floor, as abused as its victim
Bits of metal and flesh lashed to its many tails
A bottle of vinegar lies empty, upended
to quench the thirst of the Thirst-Quencher
A bush lies barren
After its branches and thorns have been stripped
To make a crown
Foot marks track up a hill
followed by the deep groove of a pole dragged
Blood stains on a felled tree
And His Kingship declared
in a sign written in all languages
A body risen up

This is me watching my Savior die.

An earthquake
Sundering the world beyond the physical
The temple and the Temple
The veil ripped in half
The partition in rags
A tomb lies open
Empty of the limp body once inside
Messengers sent to declare
The Triumph
A new body breathing
Bearing the scars of old
My namesake feeling the hands
Pierced for me
Seeing the side
Where a spear declared death
That face smiling
Knowing what's been accomplished
A body risen up

This is me watching my Savior live.

This is me watching my Savior love.
This is me watching my Savior laugh.
This is me watching my Savior cry.
This is me watching my Savior pay the debt.
This is me watching my Savior given glory.
This is me watching my Savior risen up.
This is me watching my Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I am moved to worship HIM!
    Please keep writing, Tommy!
